Airfoil 4 and A Discount!

Rogue Amoeba Newsletter
Volume 8, Issue 2
December 19th, 2010

1. Preface & Introduction
2. Airfoil 4 Is Here!
3. Airfoil Q & A
4. Savings for the Holidays
5. Closing

1. Preface
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As always, I'm your host Paul Kafasis, the CEO/Lackey here at Rogue Amoeba. We don't email very often, but it looks like we'll have two mailings within a few weeks of one another. This first email is a bit shorter than usual, but still full of important information.

2. Airfoil 4 Is Here!

Hopefully you already know what Airfoil is - our tool for streaming audio all around your house. If you've never used Airfoil before, you can go right to our site to learn more and try it out for free:

We've just released Airfoil 4, and we'd love to tell you about it - you may be surprised to see just how much it's grown. Airfoil 4 starts with a big update to Airfoil Speakers, which enables you to receive audio on other computers in your house. With version 4, you can tune in to audio right from Airfoil Speakers, without dashing back to the Mac running Airfoil to add it as a receiver. Even better, Airfoil Speakers offers remote control of selected sources, including iTunes and Pulsar. Pause playback or skip tracks from across the room or across the house. Airfoil Speakers also features an updated interface, which shows useful metadata about the audio being played, including track information and album artwork when available.

Next up, Airfoil Video Player has also received a major update with version 4. Using Airfoil Video Player, you can watch video on your Mac while audio plays through any remote speakers, all in sync. It's always supported local files and DVDs, but this upgrade brings support for watching web video as well. With Airfoil Video Player's new Web mode, you can watch TV shows on Hulu or movies via Netflix. Play them right on your Mac's gorgeous screen and send the audio out to your remote speakers - Airfoil Video Player will sync it all up for you.

Airfoil 4 also offers many other improvements, from a streamlined interface to better audio grabbing from applications like Google Chrome, as well as all System Audio. And when the new crop of third-party AirPlay receivers from companies like iHome and JBL finally arrive, Airfoil 4 will be ready to support them as well.

Airfoil 4 Details:

Airfoil 4 is available right now exclusively for Mac OS X 10.6. It's still just $25 for new users or a $10 upgrade from Airfoil 1, 2, or 3. Try it free by downloading it from our site, then buy through our store:

Or upgrade here:

Note: If you purchased after November 1st, 2010 (your license key will start with KUTA-), you already own Airfoil 4. Just download and enjoy!

3. Airfoil Q & A

With this update, along with the many changes to the AirPlay (formerly AirTunes) protocol, we know there will be lots of questions. We hope this Q&A will answer the most common among them.

Q: What version of Mac OS X does Airfoil require?

A: Airfoil 4 requires Mac OS X 10.6. If you're still on Mac OS X 10.5 or even 10.4, see this page for information on version of Airfoil for your OS:

Q: What's the upgrade fee for Airfoil 4?

A: Airfoil 4 is a $10 paid upgrade from all older versions of Airfoil. You can upgrade automatically through this form:

Q: What if I just bought Airfoil?

A: If you purchased after November 1st, 2010 (your license key will start with KUTA-), you already own Airfoil 4. Just download and enjoy!

Q: Will Airfoil Speakers on other platforms be updated?

Many of the features seen in Airfoil Speakers for Mac will eventually show up on other platforms, including Airfoil Speakers for Windows and Airfoil Speakers Touch (for iOS).

Q: Will there be updates for Airfoil for Windows?

A: Airfoil for Windows is a separate product from Airfoil for Mac, and has its own development schedule. That said, many of the improvements seen in the Mac version will be making their way to Windows in the future.

Q: What about Airfoil Speakers for <my favorite platform>?

A: We'll be considering versions for other platforms. You can always see all currently available versions here:

Q: Can you help me send video from my Mac to my Apple TV?

A: AirPlay for video has just been released by Apple, and currently works only with iTunes. We're investigating this, so stay tuned!

4. Savings for the Holidays

As you may know, in these newsletters, we sometimes include a coupon to save on our software. We do this to express our appreciation to you, the users who keep us in business. You folks are the reason we can keep doing what we do - making some of the best software on the Mac. These coupons are one small way we try to show our appreciation.

Of course, I wouldn't mention this unless we were doing it again. Now through the end of the year, you can save 15% with coupon code HAPPYHOLIDAYS2010, good on almost anything in our store (sorry, but it's not valid for the already-very-low priced Airfoil upgrade!).

So try out any of our software now, and if you like it, purchase before 2011 to save 15%! Just click the "Have a Coupon?" during checkout, and enter coupon code HAPPYHOLIDAYS2010 to save!

Do you already have all you need? Then we'd be honored if you'd pass along a good word, and the coupon, to your friends.

No matter what, we hope you've had a great 2010!

Deal Summary:
Savings: 15% off any regularly-priced Rogue Amoeba product
Who's Eligible: You! And anyone else, too!
Purchase By: January 1st, 2011
Coupon Code: HAPPYHOLIDAYS2010

5. Closing

That's all for now! While we mail infrequently, we do hope to be back within a few weeks with even more exciting news and information, so watch your inbox.

To keep up with Rogue Amoeba more regularly, check out our company weblog, Under The Microscope:

Happy holidays!

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