It looks like you're currently on (Unknown Platform). Please note, Loopback only runs on MacOS.

Upgrade to Loopback 2

Move up to Loopback 2 at a great discount

If you own a license for Loopback 1, move up to Loopback 2 for just $49. Eligible license keys start with CIRC-.

You can download a free trial of Loopback 2 right from our site. When you're ready to buy, just enter your older Loopback 1 license key below. Once it's validated, a coupon for discounted upgrade purchase will be automatically applied.

Lost Key? If you don't know your exact license key, don't worry - you can recover it, then come back here to upgrade.

Note: If your existing license key starts with VADS-, you don't need to pay anything! Just download the latest Loopback and enjoy!