Big Airfoil News

Hello from Rogue Amoeba! As always, I'm CEO/Lackey Paul Kafasis, here today with two big updates for Airfoil.

Airfoil 5 for Mac Is Here!

In February, we shipped a major upgrade to Airfoil, the all-new version 5! If you’ve never used Airfoil, it's a fantastic way to send audio from your Mac to networked audio devices around your house.

Airfoil's new version 5 includes a number of major new features including support for Bluetooth audio devices, the ability to make speaker groups and custom Equalizer presets, the all-new Airfoil Satellite for Mac, an updated interface, and much more.

You can get full details on our blog.

Or download the Airfoil 5 trial immediately.

Quick Facts

  • Airfoil 5 runs on MacOS 10.9 and up.
  • Existing users of Airfoil can upgrade to version 5 at the heavily discounted price of just $15. Of course, if you’ve already purchased the upgrade to Airfoil 5 (your license key will start with BLUE-), you’re all set.
  • A new license for Airfoil costs just $29 in our store.
  • The all-new Airfoil Satellite for Mac is a complete replacement for the old Airfoil Speakers, and provides remote control of Airfoil as well. Just delete Airfoil Speakers and use Airfoil Satellite.
  • We've received many requests to support sending audio to Chromecast devices as well. We're hard at work on this, so stay tuned!
  • If you’ve got a Windows machine as well, have a look at the all-new version 5 of Airfoil for Windows.

Check Out Airfoil Satellite for iOS

We also recently shipped Airfoil Satellite for iOS. Airfoil Satellite makes it possible to receive audio from your Mac on any modern iOS device. Turn your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad into a remote speaker for your Mac. We mentioned Airfoil Satellite in January, but with the release of Airfoil 5, it's gotten even better.

New with Airfoil Satellite 1.1, you can remotely control Airfoil as well. Toggle speakers on or off, change volume levels, and play, pause, or skip from supported applications. Best of all, it's a free companion to Airfoil.

Get Airfoil Satellite free from the iOS App Store.

Quick Facts

  • Airfoil Satellite for iOS runs on iOS 7 and up.
  • Airfoil Satellite for iOS is a free companion for Airfoil for Mac and Airfoil for Windows, and works on all modern iOS devices.
  • Airfoil Satellite is a full replacement for the old Airfoil Speakers Touch. If you've previously used Airfoil Speakers Touch, delete it and install Airfoil Satellite now.

In Closing

We hope you like the new versions of Airfoil and Airfoil Satellite! Try them out, then let us know what you think.

We started off 2016 with two huge releases, and this is already the second newsletter we've sent this year. We don't want to flood your inbox, so you likely won't hear from us again for some time. We've still got plenty more planned in the way of updates to all of our software though.

To keep up with all the latest Rogue Amoeba news, you can read our blog, follow us on Twitter, or even Like us on Facebook.

Happy Listening!
Paul & the entire Rogue Amoeba Team